Tips for Photographers During Coronavirus

1: Blog. This is KEY. It ties into what I said in #2 below. If you get a ton of sessions edited, wrote up and blogged you will be helping yourself with your photography business so much. (Or at least have a bunch wrote up and in draft mode ready to be activated.) Once things clear up, you’ll be on the top!! You won’t have to be paying for any adds, as all the organic SEO work you have been doing replaces the need to pay for google/facebook/instagram/ Knot/weddingwire adds. 

2: Website updates/SEO. Are you feeling like your business is going to suffer greatly this year because of this virus? Deep breath, there are things to can do to help keep afloat during this time! This is a very, very good way to get ahead while you can. Once your area is back to normal and you will be way ahead of the game. Get yourself on page 1 of google now, and then you can start booking clients right away. If you get on top of this now, you can already start booking 2021 couples during this time to help you manage.

3: Clean out your computer. Yes, that means dig through all the areas of your laptop and free up some space! This goes for your phone too. If you are anything like me, you have a good 5-10 thousand photos that you really need to go through and delete a bunch of! (Whoops, real talk. I take too many photos of my cat haha.) Once things pick back up with your photography business you will be so very happy to have a clean computer/mobile and be ready to start fresh and right to business as per usual!

4: Styled shoots with you quarantine buddies at home. This one is simple, grab your hubby, wife, kids, dog, cat, turtle, house plants,yourself…whatever and whoever you have! Get creative. Throw every single pillow into one corner of your home and do some snuggly photos. Make a fire in the backyard and camp outside for the night documenting it along the way. How fun would those be for an at home photo project??

5: Location Scouting. Get in your car and just drive around in the secluded mountain areas to find some hidden gems for future sessions! I know myself that there are so, so many places i’ve always wanted to check out but never have had the time to. Now is your chance, stay safe inside your car and enjoy some beautiful mountain views! If you’re like me and shoot in the Banff/Canmore/Lake Lousie area a lot, you might as well drive different areas! Check out places like the south side of Kananaksis, Norgegg, Millarville area…etc.

I hope this helps you with some ideas of how to get AHEAD during a time that feelings like you are 10 steps behind where you want to be. You can do this!

Just some random favourite photos of mine below, because why not! (Yes, cat pictures are included!)

mikayla N